Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Keeping magpies at bay

Understanding the enemy is the key to his downfall!

The magpies were driving me crazy. Pets on either side; tall pine trees for roosting. It seemed like I was the chosen one.

Some said try a fake owl, but they might get used to it and ignore it - probably because they are intelligent birds.

Others said hang reflecting objects in trees. That disturbs them and they won't land.

Then I thought - why not combine both!

Canadian Tire had a really mean looking owl for about twenty bucks. A CD hung on 4lb leader line and...BINGO!

Their intelligence works against them. When they can't figure it out they clear off. That's my theory anyway.

It's been two years now and they really steer clear. Try this and you'll only hear the song birds when you wake in the morning.